Category Archives: Senza categoria

Living in Pavia: Independent Accomodations

When you look for an accomodation in Pavia you may look into an independent accomodation or into our halls of residence run by EDiSU, our agency for the right of study. Your main options are halls of residence privately run, rent a room or a flat. Private Halls of Residence Admission and retention procedures are […]


Living in Pavia: Halls of Residence

When you look for an accomodation in Pavia you may look into the accomodation run by EDiSU, our agency for the right of study,  or for an independent accomodation. Halls of residence run by the EDiSU and colleges of merit. The University of Pavia is renowned for its network of university halls of residence run […]


Seminari Industria Siemens 2018

Gli incontri sono rivolti agli studenti del Corso di Ingegneria Industriale, in particolare dell’ultimo anno di corso e hanno lo scopo di introdurre nel percorso di studi temi più applicativi particolarmente nell’area dell’automazione, del comando dei sistemi meccanici e dell’efficienza energetica dei sistemi industriali. Gli argomenti sono presentati da un’azienda leader del settore, sia come […]


Studying in Italy: a.y. 2018/2019 italian regulations and deadlines

The Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) has issued a.y. 2018/2019 regulations and deadlines to study in Italy as an international Students. The English version will be available on this webiste soon. It will be possible to pre-enroll to your local Italian Representative from the 19th February to the 24th July.


How to apply for the permit of stay

  The visa issued by the Italian Representative is a permission to enter Italy. To stay for the duration of your studies it is mandatory to apply for the residence permit (permit of stay). A residence permit/permit of stay is not required for business, tourism, short visits or study, provided that the stay does not […]


Italian Fiscal Code

It is an individual identification code that it is assigned by The Revenue Agency. You are going to need one to apply for the permit of stay and for the enrollment. The online registration to the UNIPV website will create a fiscal code for the registration purposes but that is only temporary. You have to […]


Comunicazione agli studenti – Sciopero docenti

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Gentili studenti, è indetto uno sciopero nazionale dei docenti universitari, configurato come astensione dallo svolgimento del primo esame di profitto programmato nel periodo 1 giugno-31 luglio 2018. Tutti gli esami corrispondenti, di conseguenza, potranno essere sostenuti nell’appello successivo che si terrà regolarmente. Le date programmate da ciascun docente sono variabili e l’adesione allo sciopero è […]


Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards

The University of Pavia and the School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia present the international Master of Science programme in Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards.. The programme is structured in two curricula: – Reduction of Seismic Risk (ROSE) – Hydrogeological Risk Assessment and Mitigation (HYRIS) Courses are taught in English by […]


Study Abroad Info: tutte le informazioni e i contatti

Tutte le informationi e i contatti utili fornite agli studenti nel corso dello Study Abroad InfoDay sono riassunte in questo file disponibile per il download. Si segnalano anche come link utili la nostra pagina dedicata all’internazionlizzazione e la pagina d’Ateneo.


The Faculty of Engineering is celebrating its 50th Anniversary

On the 9th November in our Aula Magna the 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Engineering has been celebrated with the Laurea magistrale honoris causa awarded to Captain Samantha Cristoforetti and a Rountable on “Our engineers in the next 50 years: what kind of learning?”   During his opening speech of the roundtable the Dean […]
