Student benefit System
Students’ benefits are managed by EDiSU, for accommodation and meals mainly, and by arrangements between the UNIPV and different parties, such as Banca Popolare di Sondrio and our local bus company.
Tuition fees
Paid proportionally to your income: if you submit the required documentation you will pay an amount of tuition fees proportional to your income. As an international students you also have the option to ask for a flat rate: depending on the country of residence you have access to a flat rate for your tuition fee. For more information please check our webpage.
Every enrolled or prospective students may apply for a scholarship from EDiSU, our agency. Scholarships are a mix of cash money, one free meal per day and accommodation, depending on what you apply to. Please note that you may apply for a scholarship even if you are not enrolled yet but the actual scholarship will be awarded later during the academic year. You may not have access to the scholarship for several months so you have to have some financial resources to start with.
Scholarship are awarded checking two main factors: income and academic result. As for the academic result, first year student scholarships are only issued when students gain the required number of credits during their first year at UNIPV.
More information on the EDiSU website.
“Carta Ateneo + “
Carta Ateneo + is the new UNIPV student identification card. The card is issued free of charge by the Banca Popolare di Sondrio, the official UNIPV bank.
UNIPV is renewed for its halls of residence. There are 10 halls of residences whose access is managed by EDiSU and they provide accommodation and several services to students. Accomodation fees may be paid as part of your scholarship or personally by the student. There are also 4 more halls of residence but there is a different students’ selection for each college.
Download the Halls of residence prospectus here!
All halls of residence ask their students to keep up a good pace in their studies in order to keep staying. More information on their dedicated website:
EDiSU Halls of Residence
- Collegio Cairoli
- Collegio Cardano
- Collegio Castiglioni
- Collegio Fraccaro
- Collegio Giasone del Maino
- Collegi Golgi 1 e 2
- Collegio Griziotti
- Collegio Spallanzani
- Collegio Valla
- Collegio Volta
- Residenza Universitaria “Collegio Quartier Novo” Cremona
Halls of Residence “Collegi di merito”