
The basic mission of universities, which we share, is to contribute to social and economic development by increasing knowledge and favouring its transmission in such a way as to develop the skills and potential of the individual.

The knowledge possessed by university teachers depends on the quality of their research results; the knowledge acquired by students depends on the quality of the teaching staff and the teaching services available to them, in addition to their own efforts.

Well-planned research is thus at the basis of the production and transfer of up-to-date knowledge and the consequent attractiveness of the university to the best potential students and to new financial resources.


Departments promote and coordinate research and teaching activities. As research entities, they embrace one or more research sectors, which, regardless of the membership of the individual teachers to different faculties or degree courses are homogeneous as regards goals, methods and subjects taught but often subdivided into sections (Sezioni) in which groups of teachers with similar research and teaching profiles participate. Research departments also plan research degrees, organise courses relating to them and take part in their teaching.

They are independent bodies with a director (Direttore), an advisory council (Giunta) and a governing body (Consiglio) that meet regularly to discuss and vote on policy matters; The Secretary’s Office (Segreteria) implements the departments’ decisions in matters of services to teachers and students with the help of the administrative and technical staff.

Our departments:

Research centres

Interdisciplinary research centres aim to develop and manage research projects that covers many years of activity.  Research groups are formed by members from different departments and they may be founded by private institutions

At the moment we are involved in the following research centres:

Centro di ricerca Interdipartimentale “Centro di ricerca sulle acque”

Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Ricerche per la Conservazione del Patrimonio Culturale (CISRIC)

Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale di Materiali Avanzati e Dispositivi (MADE) – ex Centro di ricerca  Interdipartimentale Laser, Spettroscopie Ottiche e Materiali per Fotonica (CILSOMAF)

Centre for Health Technologies (CHT)