About us
Our mission: to train the new generation which is going to be the drive for the society development of the next decades
The Faculty of Engineering, part of the University of Pavia, is relatively young (it was re-founded in1967) but, thanks to a development policy quality oriented, it is today ranked among the best Italian Engineering schools. In the annual Italian CENSIS rankings it is usually placed among the first positions both for the quality of its degree courses and the quality of the scientific research carried out by its departments (Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering and Department of Mathematics “Felice Casorati”).

Pelton Wheel @ Polo Cravino
The Engineering Faculty is characterized by the teaching efficiency of its study courses (proved by the performances of its students), the full employment rate of its graduates, the highly qualified teaching staff (which works in many sectors on excellence levels and are internationally and nationally renowned) and the importance of the relations with the external economic environment, which allow to maintain the teaching and research in constant relation with the productive reality.

Science and Technology Library
Study plans are designed to provide engineering students with a strong basic training although not too specific. To that purpose there are only four Three-year Undergraduate Study Courses and a Five-year Undergraduate degree in Building Engineering and Architecture. A further level of specialization is introduced by Postgraduate Degrees (two years). The importance of the integration of teaching with research activities becomes more important going from undergraduate courses to postgraduate courses, reaching its completion with the scientific lab where students work on their Master Thesis, generally on research subjects developed in collaboration with firms or national and international research association.
The International opening of the Faculty, already important thanks to decades of international research activities, has become more relevant also in the teaching area during the last years thanks to the development of double degree programs in collaboration with other international universities, of postgraduate courses entirely taught in English and also thanks to international mobility programs such as Erasmus Plus that involves a significant number of the students.
Event though the teaching staff has been reduced in numbers over the years, due to the progressive cut of government funding, as the number of students increased (there are more than 3,000 students nowadays), the relation between teachers and students always is based on a useful personal interaction.
Campus life in the Faculty is made easier by the available services such as the library, the green areas (that with a sunny weather allow students to study outside), wireless internet connection (which is available in all the campus external areas), the canteen and a sport centre, completed with a swimming centre. The Scientific Area with its campus services and the teaching activities available all in the same area offers students a different university from the Italian standard.
Students of the University of Pavia have the unique chance in Italy to live their university experience in one of the colleges, where students from all the study course available in the university mix. Some of the colleges are placed near the Scientific Area, some in the city centre but anyway near by.
I hope that all the visitors of this website found all the information but also useful contacts to eventually get more specific information and clarifications. Our teaching and administrative staff is always available.
I hope that all our students are going to take advantage of this chance to grow as people and as scientific researchers. Our society needs as many engineers as possible that with their brain, professionalism, precision and ethics are able to create development opportunities for everyone and for a better society.
Prof. Ing. Lalo Magni