
Here is where we warn you about daily changes on your schedule. Make sure to check it before heading to classes.

Digital communications (prof. Gamba): the first lecture of the Digital Communications course will be on Wednesday, March 5, at 2PM in room E7

Human computer interaction (prof. Mosconi): classes will probably start on March 24th. Please chech the website.

Optimal design in electromagnetism and electromagnetic environmental compatibility (prof.ssa Mognaschi): the course will start on Thursday 27/03. Prof. Di Barba’s part will start on Monday 03/03.

Planning, management and supply of goods and services (prof. Fugazza): schedule

Snow avalanches and related mountain natural hazards (prof. Pasian, prof. Barbonlini): the course will start on Monday 10/03.

Strategic management and business planning (prof. Montagna): the course will start on Friday 14/03

More updates about classes taught in Italian here