Author Archives: Claudia

Study Plans a.y. 2018/2019

Please note that the a.y. 2018/2019 study plans are published and available to students on the dedicates webpages. Study Plans are to be submitted online from 22nd October to 12th November (except for the LM in Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risks from Natural Hazards study plans that have to be submitted from 2nd October […]


Prossimo TOLC: 30 Novembre

Si segnala agli interessati che, oltre che con le modalità tradizionali, è possibile annullare il debito formativo di Matematica e/o di Inglese superando le sezioni relative in una delle sessioni del TOLC. La prossima sessione disponibile aperta a tutti gli interessati sarà il 30 Novembre 2018 alle ore 15:00. Si ricorda agli studenti già immatricolati […]


Psychological Support for International Students

If you are experiencing trouble adapting to a new lifestyle and a different culture, to cope with pressure from exams or suffering from distress, you are not alone. A team of postgraduates in the field of psychology is willing to help: here you can find their contact details and availability to set a meeting. Anonymity […]


Esito selezione per LMPlus

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Sono disponibile qui per il download gli esiti dei colloqui di selezione per le LMPlus.     LM+, Lauree Magistrali plus è un progetto dell’Università di Pavia che risponde a una sfida del mondo contemporaneo. Possono candidarsi gli studenti della COORTE MATRICOLE LM A.A. 2017/2018, ovvero sono ammessi a partecipare alla presente selezione coloro che, […]


Final results for LMPlus

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Check the final results of LM Plus selection here on this document available for download.     LM+ aims to answer to a challenge coming from the contemporary world: creating a learning activity that mixes, at a very high education level, the knowledge available in academia and the one coming from industries and organizations in […]


MSc Programs: Assessment test on the 28th September

The Assessment test for the admission to our MSc Programs will take place on the 28th September at 9 a.m. Check here our calendar to find out the right classroom. Please note that not all the students are required to take the test: Student with a degree awarded by a foreign university: you are required […]


Matricole 2018: le lezioni iniziano il 1 Ottobre.

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Le lezioni per gli studenti del Primo anno delle laurea triennali inizieranno il 1 Ottobre seguendo l’orario pubblicato qui. Il benvenuto alle matricole 2018 da parte del Presidente di Facoltà in collaborazione con l’Area Beni Culturali si terrà Martedì 2 Ottobre durante l’orario delle lezioni di ciascuna laurea secondo il seguente calendario:   dalle 9:00 […]


International Students Welcome Week: History Walks!

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Come to our History Walks so we can tell you about “Gaetano Fraschini: Giuseppe Verdi’s favourite tenor and the Golden Age of opera in Pavia” or “Timeless stories of heroic deeds and delicious food from the ancient capital of Italy”. Here our programme!


Classes begin 1st October 2018

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All classess are going to start on 1st October 2018. Complete schedules and more at the following link: Please check our news section for temporary and daily changes to our schedules. Please note that classess for the MSc programme in Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from natural hazard begin on 26th September 2018. […]


International Students Welcome Week: 18th to 21st September

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We are looking forward to meet all our new international students in Pavia and we have big plans to welcome you all. From 18th to 21st September we will meet with you, show you around and share a few tips on how to make the most out of your time in Pavia. Complete schedule available […]
